Popular Uses Of Conference Lanyards

Popular Uses Of Conference Lanyards

Conference lanyards are one of the most popular and practical items used at events and conferences. They are an essential item that is used to carry name badges, identification cards, and tickets. Custom conference lanyards have become a must-have promotional item at events because they offer a wide range of benefits for both event organizers and attendees.

Here are some of the most popular uses of conference lanyards:


Conference lanyards are an excellent way to identify attendees, staff, and volunteers.

They make it easy to spot who belongs at the event and who doesn’t, which is particularly important for security purposes. Conference lanyards can be printed with the event logo or name, along with the attendee’s name or job title, making it easy to identify everyone at the event.


Custom conference lanyards are an excellent way to promote your brand or event.

They are an effective marketing tool that will be seen by everyone attending the event, and they are a cost-effective way to get your message out there. Custom conference lanyards can be printed with your logo, message, or slogan, and they can be designed in a variety of colors to match your brand.


Conference lanyards are an excellent way to encourage networking and communication among attendees.

When everyone wears a conference lanyard, it’s easy to strike up a conversation with someone you haven’t met before. This can be particularly helpful for attendees who are attending the event on their own or who are new to the industry.


Conference lanyards are an essential security measure at events.

They make it easy to identify who is allowed to be at the event and who isn’t. This is particularly important for events where there are large crowds or high-profile attendees. Conference lanyards can also be used to restrict access to certain areas of the event, such as VIP areas or backstage.


Conference lanyards are a practical item that attendees can use long after the event is over.

They can be used to carry keys, ID cards, and other small items, which makes them a useful item to have. This means that attendees are likely to keep their conference lanyards long after the event is over, which will help to reinforce your brand or message.


In conclusion, conference lanyards are a must-have item for any event or conference. They offer a range of benefits, including identification, branding, networking, security, and practicality. Custom conference lanyards are an excellent way to promote your brand or event, and they are an affordable marketing tool that will be seen by everyone attending the event. At Express Promo, we offer a wide range of custom conference lanyards in a variety of colors and styles, so you can find the perfect lanyard to suit your needs.

Contact us today to learn more about our range of conference lanyards and how we can help you promote your event.

From $1.44


Duplex Lanyard

From $1.35


Crest Lanyard

From $1.76
From $1.58

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